Company History
2023 / 01 Make a Contract with a Kuwait IT company to be the partial Exclusive Distributor of Kuwait, Exported a Sample(HVH-200)
2023 / 01 Selected as the participating company of ‘KOR-UAE Economic mission’. Participated the event as the only company
in the Video Enhancement field.
2023 / 02 Successfully completed the Pilot project at the forward division of Korean Army(3 months). Received the result from the
deliberation committee that ‘ The Image Enhancement Performance is Excellent ’
2023 / 03 HVS-100, designated as an 'Innovative product' by the 'Korean Public Procurement Service.'
2023 / 03 Selected as one of the 10 companies to participate as the 'Oversea Procurement Market Pioneer Team'
2023 / 03 Selected as the participating company of ‘KOR-UAE Shuttle Economic cooperation’ (business conference and the
business meeting event).
2023 / 03 Provide HVH-200 to KHNP(Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power) for dam surveillance
2023 / 04 Participated in the ‘2023 Boom-up Korea Biz Trade Show’. Introduce product to oversea IT buyers
2023 / 04 Participated in the ‘2023 Singapore Marine Equipment Global Business Meeting’
2023 / 04 Participated the 'World IT Show' as the ICT Innovative product
2023 / 05 Participated the 'Kor-Bahrain Business Meeting & Forum'
2023 / 06 Participated the ‘KOR-VIETNAM Economic Delegation Event’ with the president
2023 / 07 Participated the ‘G-FAIR ASEAN+’ Exhibition in Bangkok, Thailand
2023 / 07 Participated the ‘SouthEast Asia Export Market Development Event’, held in Philippines & Indonesia
2023 / 09 Participated the '2023 KMSE(Korea Maritime Safety Expo)' exhibition held in Bexco, and signed a MOU with a Singapore
company during the export business meeting related to the KMSE
2023 / 09 Participated in the '2023 Procurement Day' expo, held in DDP, Seoul
2023 / 10 Participated in the ‘2023 World Korean Business Convention’, held at the Anaheim Convention Center, CA, USA
2023 / 10 Participated in the '2023 Türkiye Trade Promotion Group Event’, held in Istanbul
2023 / 10 Participated in the '2023 KODAS / KOTRA Boom Up Korea Consultation Meeting', held in Kintex
2023 / 10 Provided HVH-200 to KHNP for the improvement of the outdated video system at Hanul nulcear power headquarters
2023 / 10 Obtained successful evaluation results for "K-Innovative Pilot Project" from the Public Procurement Service
2023 / 11 Participated in the '10th Naval Vessel Applied New Technology Presentation Session and Product Exhibition', held in Jinhae
2023 / 11 Made a contract with a peruvian company to be the Distributor of Peru, provided a sample
2023 / 11 Participated in the 'Global Gobiztown Business Matching Day 2023'
2023 / 11 Participated in the '2023 Global Public Procurement Marketplace' and signed a MOU with buyers from India and Mongolia
2023 / 11 Participated in the '2023 Korea Grand Sourcing Fair' export business meeting, held in Coex
2023 / 12 Participated in the 'Shipbuilding & ocean technology market export consultation meeting', held in Paradise hotel, Busan
2023 / 12 Headquarters Relocation
2022 / 01 Provide HVH-200 to Korean Maritime Police
2022 / 02 HVH-200, selected as one of the 10 good K-Innovative Products to be introduced on the official English SNS website
(Facebook, Twitter) of Korean PPS(Public Procurement Service)
2022 / 03 Provide AI-MDTS System(The integrated system which includes Panoptes Movement Detection & Tracking Software
and the HVH-200 Video Enhancer) to the Korean Navy
2022 / 04 Provide HVH-200 to Korean Maritime Police
2022 / 04 Participate in the ‘Korea Public Procurement Expo 2022(KOPPEX 2022)’
2022 / 05 Participate in the Demonstration Event of the ‘Superior Products for Minister of National Defense’
2022 / 05 Provide IP thermal cameras to the Korean security company
2022 / 06 Provide HVH-200 to Korean Maritime Police
2022 / 06 Participate in the online purchase meeting organized for the 'Technology development trial purchase'
2022 / 06 Received an ‘Excellent Paper Award’ by the KNST(Korea society for Naval Science & Technology)
(Quantitative Method of Enhancement Performance in Military Thermal Cameras and Defogging Performance in EO Cameras’
2022 / 07 Provide HVS-100 to Japan
2022 / 09 Participate in 2022 G-FAIR THAILAND exhibition
2022 / 09 Provide HVH-200 to Korean Army (DMZ surveillance)
2022 / 12 Participate in the Korea Trade Boom-up Showcase 2022
2021 / 01 Selected as the 'Venture Company' from Korea Technology Finance Corporation
2021 / 02 Selected as the 'Venture/Startup Innovative Procurement Products' from Korean Public Procurement Service
2021 / 02 HVH-200 product, received the official test report which was performed by the NATO standardization
2021 / 02 Provide HVH-200 product to Bangladesh market
2021 / 03 Make a Contract with a company to be the Sole Distributor of Malaysia(HVH-200, HVS-100)
2021 / 03 Provide HVH-200 to Korean Maritime Police
2021 / 05 Provide HVH-200 to Singapore and Malaysia
2021 / 07 Provide Cool, Heat Thermotherapy to Australia
2021 / 09 Participate to the 'Korea Public Procurement Expo 2021(KOPPEX 2021)'
2021 / 10 Provide HVH-200 for the AI-MDTS system(which is scheduled to be provided to Korean Navy)
2021 / 11 Provide HVH-200 to Korean Maritime Police
2021 / 12 HVH-200, selected as the 'Technology development trial purchase product' by the 'Ministry of SMEs and Startups.'
2021 / 12 HVH-200, designated as an 'Innovative product' by the 'Korean Public Procurement Service.'
(Korean important ministry which selects and controls necessary products for government, public institutions and etc.)
2020 / 01 Provide SV-200 to Japan
2020 / 02 Performance test of HVD-100 video enhancer in the 10th Fighter Wing of Korean Airforce
2020 / 03 Provide HVS-100 to Japan
2020 / 04 Provide Fever Detection System(GIRG) to domestic market
2020 / 05 Provide Fever Detection System(GIROC) to USA market
2020 / 05 Provide HVD-100 to Korean Airforce
2020 / 05 Provide SV-200 to Japanese ministry of land, infrastructure, and transport
2020 / 06 Install and operate HVD-100 products in the 10th and 17th Fighter Wing of Korean Air force
2020 / 06 Participate to the Korean Air force Exhibition for special partners
2020 / 06 Provide Screening Thermography (GIRM-SST-9-GBB) to USA market through a thermal expertise company
2020 / 07 Provide Screening Thermography (GIRM-SST-9-GBB) to the Caribbean market through a thermal expertise company
2020 / 09 Provide Screening Thermography (GIRM-SST-9-GBB) to CANADA market through a thermal expertise company
2020 / 11 Provide SV-200 to Korean Army(Surveillance for the West Coast)
2020 / 12 Provide HVH-200 products in the 8th, 11th, 18th, 19th, and 20th Fighter Wing of Korean Airforce
2020 / 12 Provide Fever Detection System(GIRO) to Germany and United Kingdom market
2020 / 12 Designated as a 'Promising Export Small and Medium Enterprise' by Ministry of SMEs and Startups(MSS), Korea
2019 / 01 Received a Test Report of SV-200, based on the NATO Standards
2019 / 02 Demonstration in Korea Navy Headquarters
2019 / 02 Performance test of SV-200 video enhancer in the 1st division of Korean Navy
2019 / 02 Provide HVS-100 to dockyard
2019 / 04 Participate in KSBMF Export Conference
2019 / 05 Introduced video enhancer and thermal camera products to the embassy and security companies in Bangkok, Thailand
2019 / 05 Participate in 2019 G-FAIR MUMBAI exhibition
2019 / 06 Make a MOU Contract with VICTEK Co., Ltd.
2019 / 07 Export SV-200 Video Enhancer sample to Saudi Arabia
2019 / 08 Performance test of SV-200 video enhancer in the 2nd Division of Korean Marines
2019 / 09 Make a Contract with a company to be the Sole Distributor of Vietnam(SV-200)
2019 / 10 Participate in ‘ATA LAND in vetnam’ to introduce video enhancers at Hochiminh city, vietnam
2019 / 11 Installed the demonstration system of video enhancer & thermal camera at Hochiminh city, Nha trang, vietnam
2019 / 11 Participate in the Defense & Security 2019 exhibition at Thailand, Bangkok
2018 / 04 Make an agency contract with CANADA
2018 / 04 Product Presentation to the participating companies of ISC WEST 2018, USA
2018 / 05 Participate Robot exhibition in Hannover, Germany
2018 / 06 Participate 2018 IFSEC International Security exhibition in London, UK
2018 / 06 Product introduction in EUROSATORY Defense and Security International Exhibition in Paris, France
2018 / 06 Selected to the GBSA Business(Europe-market Marketing Support) managed by Gyeonggido Business Agency
Co-marketing and the product permanent exhibition with the GBC center in Frankfurt
2018 / 09 Participate Dubai Korean Products Exhibition (2018 G-FAIR DUBAI)
2017 / 01 Construct Distribution System for the Western United States
2017 / 01 Construct Distribution System for Spain, Jordan
2017 / 02 Construct Distribution System for Russia
2017 / 02 Join the K-TECH Business Council of Anyang-si
2017 / 04 Product presentation in ISC WEST 2017(LasVegas, USA)
2017 / 05 Complete the site test of FAS(Flood Alarm Solution) in Hiroshima, JAPAN
2017 / 05 Export VIDEO ENHANCER(SV-100) and STABILIZER(SST-100) to JAPAN for FAS(Flood Alarm Solution)
2017 / 06 Export VIDEO ENHANCER and VIDEO STABILIZER to Turkey army
2017 / 08 Product presentation to buyers in New Zealand, Made an agency contract
2017 / 10 Launching a new Product (VIDEO ENHANCER Oculen SV-200(SD))
2017 / 11 Provide SV-200 to TOD system of isles regions in the Yellow Sea
2017 / 12 Participate National Defense Solution Exhibition
2016 / 04 Make a Contract with Korean Company to be the Sole Distributor(SST-100, SV-100)
2016 / 04 Make a Contract with FLIR Security(PAC) : FLIR Security Camera Distributor
2016 / 11 Export STABILIZER to Japan
2016 / 12 Construct Supply System of Short distance Thermal Camera for Fire Prevention
2016 / 12 Provide HVS-100 to Korea Marine Police
2016 / 12 Participate National Defense Exhibition in MILITOPIA (Exhibit SV-100-TH, SV-100-DF, SST-100)
2015 / 03 Receiving Certificate of ISO : CE(for Enhancement of Restored medical image)
2015 / 04 Product Presentation in WEST 2015 (LasVeas , USA)
2015 / 05 Export VIDEO ENHANCER to JAPAN(VM-100, SSOG-II, SSOG-TH)
2015 / 09 Implementing Video Fire Watching System in Seongnam City Hall
2015 / 10 Entering into a Contract to be the Sole Distributor in JAPAN(GREENTEL Video Solutions)
2015 / 10 Launching a new Product
2015 / 11 Make a Contract with Japanese Company to be the Sole Distributor
2014 / 02 Making Distribute Research Contract with CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY of Korea
2014 / 05 Developing specific VIDEO ENHANCER for Endoscope
2014 / 06 Receiving Certificate of ISO : ISO 9001, ISO 14001
2013 / 04 Product Presentation of VIDEO ENHANCER and FIRE Watching System in ISC WEST 2013 (Las Vegas, USA)
2013 / 05 Product Presentation in Security Korea 2013
2013 / 06 Venture Company Registration
2013 / 08 Implementing Video Fire Watching System in Disaster Alarm System in Cultural Assets in Cheongju city
2012 / 02 Provide VIDEO ENHANCER to Korea Coast Guard
2012 / 03 Product Presentation of VIDEO ENHANCER in ISC WEST 2012(LasVegas, USA)
2012 / 04 Export VIDEO Sample to USA(Eastern area)
2012 / 05 Implementing Wireless Lan Freight Warehouse of ASIANA Airline in Incheon airport
2012 / 05 Patent Registration (Business method using Video Enhancing Technology with Internet)
2012 / 06 Product Presentation in 2012 International Military Science and Technology Fair
(2012 / 6 /21-24, COEX in Seoul, Korea)
2012 / 11 Product Presentation of VIDEO ENHANCER in ISC EAST 2012(NewYork, USA)
2012 / 11 Implementing Wireless Lan Freight Warehouse of ASS Airline in Incheon airport
2011 / 02 Establish GREENTEL
2011 / 02 Implementing Lan to Gangchon Resort
2011 / 02 Implementing Wireless Lan in SEOHAE University
2011 / 04 Information DB System to Ministry of Unification(part of seperated families)
2011 / 09 Exhibit VIDEO ENHANCER at Comarine World Marine Exposition(VEXCO in BUSAN)
2011 / 11 Implementing VIDEO ENHANCER in Agricultural Technology of Laboratary
2011 / 12 Patent Registration (Improvement Method of Enhancing using Measuring size of particles)